Friday, July 07, 2006

Multi column layout in CSS

Finally, support for multi-column layouts in CSS. Support for something that is completely standard in most weblogs.

It will be easy to make the blog into the main page of the website, easier to find a way to cram everything onto one page using CSS and not having to resort to tables and tag soup. The problems of multi-column are described in the article:

"The implications for web developers coding in CSS are tremendous. The only way to create multiple columns in CSS now is by jumping through hoops. A simple two column layout requires breaking a content-box into two child boxes and floating them. Try adding another column and you’ll find it almost a nightmare to code it with enough hacks so that every major browser renders it to a reasonable degree of similarity. I have yet to see a fluid four column layout using current CSS box model techniques."

The details:

"The W3C's CSS working group recently released a draft of a new multi column layout module--to be included (with possible modifications) into the CSS 3 specs. For those web developers that have been lamenting the lack of adequate multi column support in current supported versions of the CSS specs, this is an exiting addition."

read more | digg story


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